I am so happy to be writing again! I know it has been a while since my last post but I wanted to give my dad a chance to worry about healing. Sometimes I find that life's best moments happen in the time that is undocumented and relaxed. This has been particularly true this week! My mom, dad and I took a three day fishing trip to lake Michigan to celebrate my dad's 50th birthday!! I am so happy to say that because for a while we weren't sure if we would get to spend that day together. Besides the fishing (which was awful) we enjoyed being on the water, cherry picking, and visiting a few little shops along the lake shore. My dad's health also allowed us to attend my cousin Michelle's wedding. It was a beautiful ceremony and everyone was feeling pretty happy including my dad. At the wedding there was a funny pictures booth and I have to say I haven't laughed that hard in quite a while. The big sunglasses, a feather boa, and a fairy princess wand that created my dad's look will be remembered forever along with a matching outfit for Uncle John (Best picture ever:). These two events are just examples of what my summer has been like! Aside from the adventures we have had, my dad is still going to Mayo once a week for testing. Up until now things have been holding steady and all has been well. Two weeks ago however my dad did a bone marrow and had a few tests done. After that he got sick and had a pretty high fever. We just got the results to the bone marrow test and...IT IS CLEAN!!! THERE ARE NO SIGNS OF CANCER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This doesn't mean that things are over (it is just a progress report) but it is such revitalizing news!! He is at Mayo this weekend however because he got sick again yesterday. He had a very high fever and the doctors determined that he has a bacterial line infection. He is being treated with antibiotics and will remain in the hospital until Monday. I am so happy!! There really aren't words to describe it! For the past months my family and I'm assuming most of you have carried this extra weight that never really goes away even when your entire body is screaming in protest to get rid of it. Although worry is still a part of every day life I no longer feel like i'm being crushed. I only pray that it will remain like this and that my dad continues to heal and regain his strength. What a ride. What a life. What a gift it is to have my dad still with us. It is truly amazing how one person can belong in the hearts of so many. Thank you so much for keeping your heart's open and your love always present. More news to follow soon.
Laura Katchmark
Love is not love without someone to hold
someone who cares and someone who knows
how life can turn from joy into fear
how you may need a hug or some cheer
through the darkness, the sorrow, the pain, and uncertainty
people come together enduring one great mystery
why are we here and why do we suffer?
maybe it will remain a question without answer
One thing is true and one thing is certain
Love is not love without people like you