Friday, May 2, 2014

Drillin' Holes

Good Morning Everyone,

The rain has stopped (for now) and spring is here! Everything seems happier in the spring. I've always loved watching the earth go from white, to a nasty brown, to a beautiful electrifying green! has kept me so busy and I know that has been one of my frequent excuses for not posting regularly but seriously...I'm in the international baccalaureate program and we have HUGE tests at the end of our senior year that we can get college credit for! Life has also been busy for my family. My dad has been doing alright besides the fact that his platelet counts are not replenishing themselves and he has been very tired. This could be for multiple reasons, but the doctors still think that the chemo is playing into that even though that was over a month ago! This afternoon he will get another bone marrow test. I can't even tell you how many holes and samples they have taken from him! This will once again tell use just how much cancer is left. Once the results are back we will go from there. Day by day, hour by hour. On a bit of a side note, I am asking you to offer my dad your sense of humor and words of encouragement. Spending a lot of time in a hospital is heartbreaking especially when the weather is turning for the better. As for posting, I can't promise I will have time to update the blog right away but I will let you know what the results are one way or another:) Thank you for your everlasting love and support.


Spring is a time for love, for joy
for rekindled hope
and the heart of a boy
to become healed again, just as before,
and for life to start a new once more. 

Special Announcement:

My family has planned a benefit for my dad and It will be held at the Crystal VFW on Sunday June 29th I will post more information soon. 

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